BIG EVENT : The Cinemazoo-Urban Safari Rescue Society is holding a 25 Year Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser
1395 176 ST. Surrey, B.C. Canada
1395 176 ST. Surrey, B.C. Canada
Sunday Aug 12 , 2012 from 11 am to 5 pm.
Cinemazoo and Urban Safari Rescue Society have been rescuing and educating the public about exotic animals and their place in the world for the past 25 years. They are one of the only groups that does this type of work. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary and raising funds so they can continue to care and feed their animals and continue doing the out reach education programs in the form of presentations to schools, festivals, and events, and in house education programs in the form of Nature Clubs, Summer Day camps, and volunteer programs.
Cinemazoo has an action packed day planned for the event that will include free zoo tours of the animals, a silent auction, a petting zoo, a live wolf with displays.
There will be a barbeque, an antique car show and shine, even Korki the clown will be doing magic shows. Wow, what a great day planned!
This celebration has their good friends, the people from the HoneyBee Centre, demonstrating bee beards, and much more.
- See Gary and his Friends
Come to the open house. Remember Sunday, August 12, 2012 for The Cinemazoo-Urban Safari 25th Anniversary Celebration and fundraiser. Fun For The Whole family !